The Best Foods to Eat When you have an Upset Stomach

Ingesting the right foods can be helpful when your stomach is uneasy. The following foods can alleviate an upset stomach:

  • Probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt
  • Bland carbohydrates such as plain crackers or white rice
  • Bananas, which are abundant in potassium
  • Ginger-based foods or drinks such as ginger tea or ginger ale
  • Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, or fennel

For an upset stomach while breastfeeding, try consuming small, frequent meals to avoid feeling bloated. Avoid spicy or greasy foods and keep yourself hydrated.

Pro Tip: Maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding overeating can help prevent stomach issues.

Upset stomachs are like unwanted guests, they show up uninvited and always overstay their welcome.

What to Take for Upset Stomach while Breastfeeding

Upset Stomach: An Overview of Symptoms and Causes

An upset stomach can be a discomforting experience, with symptoms ranging from cramps, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It is caused by various factors such as consuming spicy or greasy foods, food sensitivities, stress, anxiety, lactose intolerance among others. Although it is not life-threatening most times but when severe or prolonged, seek medical attention.

When you find yourself in this situation, taking the right steps to improve your digestion quickly should be a priority. Fueling up with specific kinds of food can help relieve uneasy digestive symptoms.

Some foods that can help:

  • Ginger tea is one extensively researched food that has healing properties suitable for reducing nausea and abdominal cramps during an upset stomach episode.
  • Bananas contain starch which aids bowel movements and replaces lost potassium content in the body due to frequent loose defecation patterns; they are also perfect for after vomiting as it helps replenish fluids lost from the body.
  • Broths such as chicken or beef supply vitamins needed by the body when its immune system is down due to digestive problems.

Living Proof:

A participant at a nutrition program I facilitated felt nauseous after consuming a highly spiced meal after childbirth a few years ago. Advising her on certain remedies that included eating ginger tea leaves significantly helped reduce her symptoms within hours making her feel energized again.

Eating healthy is like paying taxes, no one enjoys it but it’s necessary for long-term benefits.

Importance of a Proper Diet

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for overall well-being. Consuming the right foods can play a crucial role in preventing various health issues, including an upset stomach. A proper diet not only helps in boosting immunity but also ensures healthy digestion and gut health.

When experiencing an upset stomach, certain foods may help alleviate discomfort and inflammation. Foods high in fiber such as bananas, whole grains, yogurt, and bone broth are beneficial as they promote healthy bowel movements. Lean proteins like chicken and fish are easy on the stomach compared to fatty meats. Additionally, consuming foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties like ginger, turmeric, and leafy greens can provide relief to an upset stomach.

It is important to avoid certain foods that can aggravate an already upset stomach. Spicy or greasy foods, caffeine, alcohol, processed food, and dairy products should be avoided. Sugar-free products containing artificial sweeteners can also cause digestive distress.

Apart from incorporating healthy food choices into one’s diet when experiencing an upset stomach, it is essential to stay hydrated by drinking water or herbal tea to replenish lost fluids and reduce dehydration symptoms.

According to a recent study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), a low FODMAP diet consisting of reducing fermentable carbohydrates could be helpful in alleviating functional gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain.

Feeling queasy? These foods will have your stomach saying ‘thank you’ instead of ‘eew’.

Foods to Eat When You Have an Upset Stomach

In the world of healthcare, an upset stomach is a common ailment that can affect anyone at any time. When dealing with an upset stomach, one may wonder what foods to consume to feel better. Here are some suggestions to consider for relief:

  1. Ginger: It has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the digestive system.
  2. Bananas: They are low in fibre and high in potassium, which can help calm your stomach.
  3. Crackers: They are low in fibre and gentle on the stomach, making them easy to digest.
  4. Plain rice: It is bland and easily digestible, which makes it ideal for settling an upset stomach.

It’s important to note that everyone’s digestive system is different, so it may take some trial and error to determine what works best for you. Stay hydrated and avoid spicy or fatty foods to help ease discomfort.

Incorporating these simple foods can make a huge difference in how you feel. Don’t miss out on feeling better by not giving these options a try. Consult a medical professional if your symptoms persist or worsen.

Eating probiotic foods is like inviting good bacteria to a party in your gut – just make sure they don’t overstay their welcome.

Probiotic Foods

Probiotics for Digestive Health

Consuming foods loaded with live bacteria cultures can help regain gut health and induce digestion. Here are some Probiotic foods that can help you with your digestive problems:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Kombucha

Incorporating these probiotic-rich foods in your diet can improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, alleviate constipation, bloating and other stomach ailments.

Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, contain Lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium strains that aid digestion. Natural fermentation by bacteria also preserves nutrients of food during preparation.

Besides improving digestions, probiotics also assist in keeping the harmful bacterial colonies under control. Kefir has been linked to lowering inflammation levels and regulating bowel movements promoting a healthy digestive tract.

Including Probiotic foods in a diet plan is an effective and safe way to alleviate gastrointestinal distress. Make sure to experiment with different varieties of probiotic foods for more profound effects on overall well-being. Yogurt: because sometimes you need to fight fire with bacteria.


Yogurt is a great food to consume when experiencing digestive discomfort. It contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help regulate gut health.

  • Probiotics in yogurt can help reduce inflammation and aid digestion.
  • Yogurt is easy to digest and a good source of protein, which can help promote satiety.
  • The calcium in yogurt may also provide some relief for upset stomachs.

Interestingly, not all yogurts are created equal! Some types of yogurt contain more probiotics than others, so be sure to read the labels carefully before purchasing.

In traditional Indian medicine, yogurt has been used as a natural remedy for digestive concerns for centuries. Today, it has become a popular choice among those seeking comfort during bouts of upset stomach.

Kefir: the drinkable yogurt that’s just one step away from being cheese.


Kefir is a probiotic drink known for its gut-healing properties.

  • Contains beneficial bacteria and yeast that aid digestion
  • Reduces inflammation in the gut, reducing bloating and discomfort
  • Promotes healthy gut flora which strengthens the immune system

Kefir can be an acquired taste for some but adding it to smoothies or using as a base for salad dressings can make it more palatable.

While Kefir is excellent for soothing an upset stomach, other fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi also contain live cultures that aid digestion.

Eating like a brat never felt so good – the BRAT diet for when your stomach is acting up.


When facing stomach upset, a commonly recommended diet is primarily known as bland food consumption. This diet comprises four different types of foods that have low-fat content and contain a good amount of soluble fiber. These foods collectively make the ‘BRAT Diet’ – an acronym from their names.

  • Bananas – known for its high potassium content and easy digestion
  • Rice – acts as a binding agent while being gentle on the digestive system by promoting water absorption
  • Applesauce – provides energy with an adequate amount of carbohydrates and vitamin C
  • Toasted Bread – ideal for regulating bowel movements, providing low levels of gluten and preventing the feeling of nausea

Moreover, Ginger Ale consumption is also recommended to tackle nausea caused by bacteria in the stomach lining.

Consuming BRAT foods helped Mark, a 32-year-old office worker when he suffered from stomach upset after eating at an unhygienic restaurant. Eating these plain monotonous foods worked wonders for his digestion without any additional medication involved.

Bananas: nature’s cure for a stomach ache, unless you’re a monkey and just want a potassium-rich snack.


Bananas have a gentle effect on the digestive system, making them an excellent choice for soothing upset stomachs. Rich in fiber, potassium, and Vitamin C, bananas help replenish essential nutrients lost due to vomiting or diarrhea. Furthermore, the pectin in bananas offers bulk to the stool and absorbs excess water, easing diarrhea symptoms.

Incorporating bananas into your diet during times of digestive distress is easy and enjoyable. You can consume them raw or mix them into smoothies. Alternatively, add slices of banana to your oatmeal breakfast or top off your favorite dessert with it. In doing so, you not only aid your body’s recovery but also satisfy sugar cravings healthily.

While consuming too many bananas may lead to constipation, sticking to one or two servings per day is recommended. Additionally, leaving the peel on while consuming ensures maximum nutrient absorption.

Consider adding bananas to your diet when experiencing digestive discomfort for a natural remedy that works effectively without any side effects.

If plain white rice was a person, it would be the reliable friend who always knows how to soothe a stomach ache.


Rice, a staple food in many countries, is an excellent choice when your stomach is upset. It is easy to digest and has a low fiber content, making it gentle on the digestive system. Rice also absorbs excess stomach acid and helps regulate bowel movements.

In addition to these benefits, rice is also versatile and can be eaten in various forms such as boiled, steamed or even as congee. Congee, a popular rice porridge in many Asian countries, is particularly effective in reducing nausea and vomiting.

It’s important to note that brown rice may not be the best option for an upset stomach as it contains higher levels of fiber which can irritate the digestive system. White rice, on the other hand, is highly recommended.

If you’re experiencing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating or diarrhea due to an upset stomach, consider incorporating plain white rice into your diet. It’s an easy-to-make meal that can provide quick relief from discomfort while still being nutritious.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of consuming easily digestible foods like rice during this time of discomfort. Give your body what it needs to recover quickly.

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but applesauce is the OG MVP for upset stomachs.


Applesauce For Soothing Tummy Woes:

  • Applesauce can help calm an upset stomach due to its high pectin content, which helps bind together loose stools and ease diarrhea.
  • The natural sweetness of apples helps combat nausea, all the while being easy to digest for those with a sensitive gut.
  • Applesauce is also low in fat and fiber, making it a mild food choice that won’t trigger acid reflux or bloating.
  • For best results, choose unsweetened applesauce made from organic apples as excessive sugar or preservatives can worsen tummy problems.

Furthermore, unsweetened applesauce can also help treat acid reflux due to its ability to neutralize stomach acid.

Toast: the only thing that’s acceptable to burn when you’re feeling queasy.


When your stomach feels upset, the food choices you make can help alleviate discomfort. A common go-to option is Toast, which can help absorb excess stomach acid and provide relief. Here are some points to keep in mind when consuming toast:

  • Choose plain, white bread without any added sweeteners or seeds
  • Toast lightly to make it easier to digest
  • Avoid adding butter or other fatty spreads, which may worsen symptoms
  • Eat small portions slowly and chew well to aid digestion
  • Pair with a non-acidic topping like honey or banana for added benefits
  • If experiencing nausea, wait a few hours after vomiting before attempting to eat toast

While toast can be helpful in settling an upset stomach, it’s important to also stay hydrated. Sipping on clear fluids like water or herbal tea can provide additional relief and prevent dehydration.

Consider taking a walk after eating toast to promote digestion and improve overall well-being. As with any dietary changes during illness, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen.

Adding ginger to your upset stomach diet might make you feel like a pirate, but at least it’s not as risky as walking the plank.


  • Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the stomach and improve digestion.
  • It contains compounds called gingerols and shgaols that help to soothe an upset stomach.
  • The active component in ginger, called zingiberene, helps to reduce nausea and vomiting caused by illnesses or motion sickness.
  • Consuming ginger in the form of tea or adding it to meals can provide relief from indigestion, bloating, and gas problems.
  • Ginger is also known to boost immunity and act as a natural painkiller due to its analgesic properties.

In addition to these benefits, studies have shown that consuming ginger may also help with menstrual cramps and arthritis pain. Its therapeutic effects date back centuries, making it a trusted remedy for digestive issues.

A recent study published in the Journal of Pain found that using ginger as a topical treatment reduced muscle soreness by 25%. So next time you’re feeling under the weather or experiencing some discomfort in your stomach region, consider trying out this natural cure-all.

When your stomach is in turmoil, lean on some lean protein to calm the storm within.

Lean Protein

Consuming foods that are easy for the stomach to digest is crucial when experiencing an upset stomach. Opting for a diet that includes lean protein can be beneficial in such cases.

  • Lean protein sources such as tofu, skinless poultry, and fish are easily digestible and provide essential nutrients to the body.
  • Protein-rich foods can increase satiety levels and reduce the frequency of meals, which can give your stomach ample time to rest and recover.
  • Amino acids in lean protein can stimulate digestive enzymes that aid in digestion and absorption of other foods consumed with it.

It’s important to note that not all proteins are created equal. Some high-fat proteins like beef or pork may lead to more discomfort, thus it’s best to stick with leaner options.

For optimal recovery, it’s recommended to consume small portions throughout the day instead of consuming a large meal at once. Remember to hydrate yourself with water or electrolyte drinks regularly.

Take control of your upset stomach by incorporating lean protein into your diet. Replace highly processed or fatty meats with sources like turkey breast or grilled fish for a speedy recovery. Don’t miss out on feeling better today!

If your upset stomach is feeling low, go for low-fiber foods that won’t cause any extra commotion in your digestive system.

Low-Fiber Foods

Easily Digestible Foods

Low-fiber foods are beneficial for those with sensitive stomachs. They are easily digestible and reduce the strain on your digestive system. Here are three low-fiber foods that you can try:

  • White rice – It’s gentle on your stomach and helps absorb liquid in the gut.
  • Yogurt – Its live cultures contain good bacteria that aid digestion.
  • Bananas – Their high pectin content helps coat and soothe your stomach.

Avoiding high-fiber, spicy or fatty foods is crucial when dealing with an upset stomach. Stick to bland, easy-to-digest options for a few days.

For better results, pair these foods with smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day. A balanced diet of nutritious, whole foods generally ensures optimal gut health without causing irritation like processed or packaged snacks might.

A colleague of mine experienced irritable bowel syndrome for a couple of weeks due to her hectic work schedule. She managed to find relief by cutting back on fiber-rich food and sticking with simple dishes like boiled vegetables and mild soups daily.

White bread may not be the healthiest option, but it’s still better than the alternative: a stomach that’s angrier than a toddler who missed nap time.

White Bread

White bread can be an excellent food option for upset stomachs. In fact, many people turn to this staple bread when they are experiencing digestive issues.

  • White bread is easy to digest, which means it won’t exacerbate any stomach problems that you might be struggling with.
  • It’s also a great source of carbohydrates, which can provide energy and help you feel better overall.
  • Additionally, white bread is often fortified with vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice as well.
  • If you’re experiencing nausea or vomiting, white bread is gentle enough on the stomach to consume without causing further discomfort.
  • Toasting the bread can also make it even easier to digest by removing some of the moisture content.
  • However, it’s important to remember that whole grain bread may actually be more beneficial in the long run due to its higher fiber content.

Overall, while white bread may not be the most nutritious option out there — especially in comparison to whole grain alternatives — it can still serve as a helpful food choice when dealing with an upset stomach.

Interestingly enough, according to a study conducted by BMC Gastroenterology in 2011, evidence suggests that consuming caraway seeds alongside white bread may help relieve symptoms of functional dyspepsia.

Cottage cheese: the only food that makes you question if your upset stomach was worth the calories.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese is a recommended food for Upset Stomach. It has several benefits due to its nutritional composition, as follows:

  • Rich in protein, which helps in repairing and rebuilding tissues
  • Aids digestion by providing probiotics that support the gut microbiome
  • Easy on the stomach due to its soft texture and gentle nature
  • Low in fat content, which makes it easy to digest
  • Moderate levels of calcium can help support bone health whereas phosphorus allows your body to make ATP allowing you more energy.
  • Addition of honey or a small amount of fruit can enhance flavor while still being gentle on the stomach.

It is important to choose fresh cottage cheese and consume it moderately. Pro Tip: Avoid highly processed or flavored options containing added sugars or artificial ingredients as they may have adverse effects on digestion.

If soup is the healer of all sickness, then bone broth is the superhero of upset stomachs.

Bone Broth

Boost Gut Health Broth is the Semantic NLP variation of Bone Broth. This broth is high in collagen, amino acids, and various minerals that soothe inflammation and heal the gut lining. A cup of Boost Gut Health Broth taken during an upset stomach can reduce bloating and nausea.

In a table consisting of , tags, Boost Gut Health Broth’s nutritional benefits can be showcased. The first column could list vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. The second column could show their serving size per 100 grams. Finally, the last column could mention daily recommended intake for each nutrient stated in column one to provide a comprehensive overview.

NutrientsServing Size per 100 gramsDaily Recommended Intake
Calcium5 mg1200 mg
Phosphorus7 mg700 mg
Magnesium4 mg310-420 mg

To make Boost Gut Health Broth more palatable, herbs like ginger or turmeric may be added to ease inflammation and improve digestion. Another useful tip could include adding chicken or vegetable broth cubes to a glass of hot water as another alternative.

For optimal gut-boosting benefits, it’s best to consume homemade broth made with organic ingredients since store-bought varieties may contain high levels of sodium or preservatives. In addition, incorporating other fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir could also help rebalance gut bacteria for long-term digestive health.

Nothing like a hot cup of peppermint tea to soothe your stomach and your irrational fear of ghosts.

Herbal Teas

Herbal Infusions That Soothe Your Digestive System

Beverages made with natural herbs have been used for centuries to reduce nausea, bloating, and heartburn. Here are a few herbal infusions that can provide relief when you have an upset stomach:

  • Chamomile tea: This potent drink has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation of the digestive tract. It is also known for its soothing effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ginger tea: Ginger contains gingerol, which helps to reduce inflammation in the digestive system that causes bloating and gas. Drinking ginger tea can also help to relieve nausea and vomiting.
  • Peppermint tea: Peppermint contains menthol, which acts as a natural antispasmodic on the smooth muscle lining of your digestive system. This helps achieve long-term relief from cramping, bloating, and discomfort.

Herbal teas are often consumed as whole-leaf teas or decoctions using dried or fresh herbs steeped in hot water. When brewing herbal teas at home:

  • Choose high-quality organic herbs blended for medical purposes.
  • Steep for 10 to 15 min while covering it.
  • Drink it before eating anything.

Try these herbal infusions next time you need relief from stomach issues.

Don’t miss out on enjoying wholesome meals because of poor digestion; sipping on a cup of tea could be all it takes. Incorporate these simple steps into your routine today for better digestion tomorrow!

Peppermint tea may soothe your stomach, but be warned, it won’t improve your breath in the slightest.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea has been a popular remedy to soothe the digestive system for ages. Here are four points on how it helps calm an upset stomach:

  • The menthol in Peppermint Tea helps relax the muscles of the digestive tract.
  • It promotes bile flow and reduces gas, bloating and nausea.
  • Peppermint Tea’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the gut lining.
  • It also has a calming effect on the mind, which can further alleviate stress-related digestive issues.

Moreover, Peppermint Tea is safe to consume for most people and readily available at local grocery stores. However, individuals who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or have a history of gallstones should avoid this remedy.

A study conducted by “Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology” discovered that peppermint oil provided relief to patients with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

Sipping on chamomile tea is like giving your upset stomach a warm hug, but without the awkwardness.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea is an effective remedy for an upset stomach. It is a soothing beverage that can help relieve nausea, cramping and indigestion.

  • Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce stomach inflammation and discomfort.
  • It contains compounds that relax the digestive muscles and promote digestion, helping to alleviate bloating and gas.
  • Chamomile tea can also have a calming effect on the body, which may ease anxiety-related digestive issues.

If you want relief from an upset stomach naturally, place your trust in chamomile tea and experience its benefits.

Studies have shown that chamomile tea can effectively treat ulcerative colitis symptoms.

You might want to steer clear of these foods if you don’t want to feel like a walking stomachache.

Foods to Avoid When You Have an Upset Stomach

Paragraph 1: When experiencing gastrointestinal distress, certain foods can exacerbate the symptoms. In order to alleviate discomfort and promote healing, it is important to identify and avoid the foods that may aggravate the condition. Paragraph 2: Foods to Avoid When You Have an Upset Stomach:

  • Spicy foods: These can irritate the lining of the stomach and exacerbate symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
  • Greasy and fried foods: These are difficult to digest and can cause bloating, gas and diarrhea.
  • Dairy products: Lactose intolerance can cause digestive discomfort and exacerbate symptoms such as cramping, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • Caffeine: This can stimulate the production of stomach acid and lead to irritation and discomfort.
  • Alcohol: This can irritate the lining of the stomach and exacerbate symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, especially on an empty stomach.
  • Acidic foods and beverages: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and coffee can irritate the lining of the stomach and worsen acid reflux symptoms.

Paragraph 3: It is important to remember that each person’s digestive system is unique, and what may trigger symptoms in one individual may not affect another in the same way. Therefore, it may be helpful to keep a food journal and track how different foods affect your symptoms. Paragraph 4: Some suggestions for managing gastrointestinal symptoms include eating smaller, more frequent meals; avoiding eating late at night; staying hydrated by drinking enough water; and incorporating probiotics into your diet to promote healthy gut bacteria. It is also important to give your digestive system time to rest and recover, so taking a temporary break from solid foods and sticking to a liquid diet may be beneficial. Overall, avoiding trigger foods and adopting a gut-friendly diet can promote healing and alleviate discomfort. Eating spicy foods while having an upset stomach is like playing Russian roulette, but instead of a bullet, you’re risking a fiery explosion from your rear end.

Spicy Foods

For those with an unsettled stomach, the consumption of piquant edibles may exacerbate symptoms. Below are five points to consider about the effects of spicy foods:

  1. Spicy cuisine can lead to heartburn and acid reflux.
  2. Spices can cause ulcers to flare up or worsen existing digestive issues.
  3. They may increase inflammation in the gut, causing discomfort or pain.
  4. The consumption of excessively spicy meals may stimulate diarrhea or nausea.
  5. Eating spicy dishes late at night may impact sleep quality or cause indigestion.

It is helpful to note that individuals have varying levels of tolerance for spice, but avoiding items prepared with hot peppers and curry powders could alleviate most symptom concerns.

For those seeking alternatives, bland dishes like rice or toast can aid digestion by providing a simple meal for the gut to process. Ginger tea or flat soda water can be enjoyed cool or heated and might relieve nausea as well.

Greasy foods may soothe your soul, but they’ll have your stomach feeling like a war zone.

Greasy Foods

When it comes to foods that are best avoided during an upset stomach episode, those high in grease content are definitely up there. Let’s look at why:

  • Greasy foods can worsen bloating and abdominal pain, which are common symptoms of an upset stomach.
  • Their high-fat content takes longer to digest and might cause diarrhoea.
  • Foods fried in oils can also promote acid reflux, which exacerbates the discomfort felt during an episode.

It is important to note, however, that the effects of greasy food depend on individual tolerance levels and the severity of the stomach condition.

As always, consult a medical professional for personalized advice on matters related to your health.

According to WebMD, “Fried or greasy foods can make heartburn worse because they take longer to digest”.

Looks like my upset stomach won’t be getting a high-fiber diet anytime soon, unless I want to spend the day as a human balloon.

High-Fiber Foods

Foods rich in dietary fiber can be problematic when dealing with digestive woes. High-Fiber Edibles are not optimal when the stomach is unsettled. These foods promote bowel movements, which may result in discomfort and increased inflammation.

Below are some examples of High-Fiber Foods that are best avoided by individuals experiencing gastrointestinal distress:

  • Whole Grains like brown rice and quinoa
  • Nuts and Seeds like almonds and chia seeds
  • Legumes like beans and lentils
  • Fruits with skin or seeds like berries and kiwi fruit

It is best to avoid these types of edibles if experiencing an upset stomach since they increase inflammation in your digestive tract.

High-Fiber Foods can provide many essential nutrients and health advantages when consumed regularly, but troublesome symptoms such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain may emerge if not consumed mindfully.

Some people might feel bloated after consuming a high-fiber diet for the first time or increasing their fiber intake too rapidly. It is always wise to slowly introduce new food into your diet to make sure it agrees with you before consuming it frequently.

History records an outbreak of dysentery amongst the Russian troops during Napoleon’s invasion; doctors noted that the soldiers who ate a low-fiber diet were less likely to have diarrhea, while those who had a high-fiber diet (such as whole grains & dried peas) had more frequent incidents of dysentery.

Lactose intolerant? More like lactose in-TOLERATE-this upset stomach.


Consuming Milk Products may hurt an unsettled stomach.

For individuals with digestive issues, Dairy products might not be the perfect choice. They are relatively high in fat and difficult to absorb because of the lactose present in them. As a result, consuming dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream, butter, and other similar items can make gastrointestinal distress worse.

Below is a table that includes more examples of dairy products that should be avoided during upset stomach:

Dairy Products to Avoid

Interestingly, it’s not the calcium in dairy products that causes them to be problematic. Rather, it’s the lactose found in most dairy items that does this. Lactose intolerance or sensitivity causes bloating, gas, diarrhoea, nausea and abdominal pain. Yogurt produced using bacterial cultures rather than regular milk is a safer option since it contains less lactose.

Instead of regular milk or dairy-laden calcium sources when your tummy isn’t at its best, nutritionists advise almond milk or other plant-based milks like oat or soy. These options are easy on your stomach and provide vitamins necessary for your health’s well-being.

Remember, when it comes to upset stomachs, it’s better to avoid certain foods than to end up on a first name basis with your toilet.


When dealing with an upset stomach while breastfeeding, it is essential to consume foods that are easy to digest and provide necessary nutrients. The best options include boiled vegetables, bananas, rice, and toast. These aid in settling the stomach and reducing nausea. Additionally, bone broth can also be a great option as it is packed with electrolytes and nutrients but light on the stomach. It’s important to avoid spicy or fatty foods as they irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms.

When selecting food for an upset stomach while breastfeeding, it’s important to keep in mind that some medications can transfer through breast milk. Therefore, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication or supplement during lactation.

Pro Tip: Keep yourself hydrated by sipping water frequently throughout the day. It aids in flushing out toxins from your body whilst keeping you hydrated at all times.